Monday, March 29, 2010

Irony and Comedy Live Together in Mike Behe

In 1996, at the tail end of the 20th century, a biochemist named Michael Behe published a book in which he reveals an idea that he describes (in a fit of uncharacteristic humility) as only being one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the last 100 years (cue triumphant music). It really is an amazing idea; amazing because it points scientists to God. (Disclaimer: does not necessarily point scientists to God. *wink*)

This amazing idea was apparently less amazing when it was first presented to the world eighty years earlier by someone else. Perhaps because that older version was (ironically?) more correct. I'll get to that later.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Google Chrome Rules

I love Google Chrome. There are so many things about it that are just so nice, but I just found a new one and felt like blogging it. This ties in with Vista (64 bit) and Apple annoyances. Ever since I switched to Vista, my experience playing MP3 files through the browser has been awful. For whatever reason, Quicktime is the default player for MP3 files in the browser and for whatever reason it shows up black on black. I have no idea what's going on, I just know I hate it. The controls exist, they just can't be seen. I'll show you what I mean: