From a comment on Anthony Watts' delightful blog, "Watts Up With Dunning-Kruger?" comes this gem from Dr. Dave (I can only assume that's his real, full name):
We have many fine spokesmen on the side of realism; Anthony Watts, Christopher Horner, Patrick Michaels, Roy Spencer, John Christy, Richard Lindzen, Fred Singer, etc. Lord Monckton is unique. He is an eloquent, gifted orator.
Why list all those ineloquent, un-gifted orators? Isn't it enough to simply say that Monckton is unique in that he is eloquent and gifted? Isn't that enough of an insult without having to specifically name all those without talent? And the first one is the host of the blog! Normally, Watts comes down hard on anyone who uses a pseudonym while not kissing his ass...
Anthony Watts |