Stories about penises are hardly rare, but they're rarely awesome. That's why I'm elevating this one to a full post on my own blog even though I had nothing to do with this story. A tip o' the penis hat to my buddy Pete for the link to the goods.
The original can be found here, surrounded by a whole lot more awesome in a thread about a book that looks just as awesome. To give it a little context, this is a story told by someone who has worked in an HR department about a confrontation they were expecting to go very differently.
“Is this your penis?” I asked, as I pushed the printout of the e-mail over to him. I think I was expecting him to break into a sweat or try to jump through the window out of embarrassment, because apparently I’d forgotten about the fact that this was the same man who thought it would be perfectly fine to take a picture of his penis in the office bathroom to send it to a shocked coworker. Instead he grinned cockily (no pun intended), saying, “I think the better question is, Exactly how did you get a picture of my penis?”
“It was caught in the e-mail filter. The picture, I mean. Not your penis. If, in fact, that is your penis, I mean.” I was flustered, but tried to gain control of the situation again with a deep, calming breath. “Did you mail a picture of your penis?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Would it make it better if I said I was mailing pictures of someone else’s penis?”
I’ve thought about that question for fifteen years and I still don’t have a good answer. Instead I said, “Not really. Giving a coworker a picture of a penis is sort of universally frowned on. It’s in the employee hand book. Sort of. It’s between the lines.”
“Is there anything in the handbook about someone in HR handing you a penis picture and asking you whether it’s yours?”